Friday 18 September 2020

Open day at Grey High School

Open day at Grey High School

This week on Wednesday there was an open day for Grey High at 3:30 pms . From our school it was only me and Autumn. There were other people from different schools and there were two year 9 kids.The reason for the open day was that the year 8 that wanted to go to Grey High next year had a chance to see Grey high and how it was. First we started from the office then all the way around Grey High school then at 4:30 there was a presentation in the library. For the presentation the principal told us about Grey High and it's values and also it's uniform for the girl and boys. After that all year 8s, one teacher and the two Grey High kids answered questions about next year or anything to do with us coming to high school. After that we talked for a bit and then we left.

My Maori Artwork

My Maori Artwork 
This week for the Maori week we have being doing some Maori language week challenges. For that challenge we have to complete the challenges that are on the paper. We have to do challenges like learn a new skill or craft, enjoy some Kai, Practise a new way of saying Hello, Good morning and Good afternoon too. 


Friday 11 September 2020

Native Tree Writing

 Before last week our class was writing about native tree in New Zealand.My friend Jordyn and I were both doing Rata Tree together . We made a poster based on the Rata tree also we made a slide show too. 

There are three species of the Rātā tree. They are called the Northern Rātā tree, Southern Rātā and the Bartlett Rātā tree. Rata trees can be seen from a long distance away because of their bright red flowers and dark green leaves. Rātā trees, along with the Pōhutukawa, are one of the best known native trees in New Zealand.The scientific name for the Rata tree is Metrosideros Umbellata and for the Northern Rata is Metrosideros Robusta also the scientific name for the Bartlett’s Rata tree is Metrosideros Bartlettii.It usually started life as a plant in the forest like the other trees. Then the Rata tree starts to grow into a huge Rata tree. That produces the tree up to 25 meters high.  Did you know that the Rata and Pohutukawa are known New Zealand’s native Christmas trees because of their bright red flowers that bloom during the Christmas season.The Northern Rata trees are the one of the tallest flowering trees.Mostly Rata trees flowers are bright red but   White or yellow flowers are also known. Flowering usually occurs between December and February, but this depends on the condition of the tree.  The Rata tree is related to the Pohutukawa tree, they both bloom at Christmas time.

My Narrative Story About My Friends Nightmare That Actually Happened

This week we have being doing narrative writing. My Narrative writing is about my friends nightmare that actually happened. This story is about how one of my friends nightmare that actually didn't happened in real life but for the people that are reading it. It sounds like that it happened in real life. I haven't finished it. 

My Friends Nightmare That Actually Happened 


This story is about how my friend's nightmare turned out to be real and she nearly lost all of our friends lifes including mine. It all started one night when she went to bed but she was texting me saying good night. In her dream we all were at my house and we saw a weird man standing outside the house. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself and my friend that had the nightmare. My name is Jessica and those are the names of my friends Farihah, Marley,Priya, Rylee and Jordyn but we all call her Jordy for short. My friend Farihah had the nightmare. By the way we all are crazy and we go to different high schools but we all of us are friends also we still hang out sometimes. We didn’t take Farihah’s nightmare seriously because Farihah always has nightmares. But we didn’t know that it would happen for real . You must be wondering how I know about it well Farihah told me because I am her best friend so she tells me everything. Anyway so keep on reading to find out what happens next on My friends nightmare that actually happened. 


                  Chapter 1 

So everyone is introduced so let’s get back to the story. Oh where was I oh now I remember. We were all in the nightmare. There was someone outside the house. I saw that he was holding a sharp knife after that he just disappeared in thin air. Because he had disappeared into thin air Farihah, Priya and Rylee started to freak out me, Jordy and Marley were trying to calm them down

Tuesday 8 September 2020

We are learning how to work together by giving clear instruction.

 Today we were learning how to work together by giving clear instruction and listening to our partner. Everyone gets partnered up with everyone and then they tell us if we are a or b. Then we all get a picture of something and our partners tell us what to draw. 


Friday 4 September 2020

My Speech About Covid 19

Before Last week we were all writing speech's for the speech competition. I did my speech about Covid 19. And we had to do it for 3 to 5 minutes long here is my speech about Covid 19. So have a read if you want to. 

            Speech about Covid 19 

Covid 19 started in 2019 and today it has affected 21.5 million people in the world in just a fews months. Because of Covid 19 today, thousands of people have died. There are 13.5 million people that have recovered from Covid 19 today in the world. Today I will tell you about Covid 19 and how it nearly killed half of the world. It is a new virus, it has no vaccine or cure. But in many countries scientists are trying to find a vaccine for this new virus although they haven't found one yet.   

What is it and what does it do to your body? It is a virus shaped like a spike ball that hijacks your healthy cells and takes control of the body. If you get it really bad it can affect your breathing. Get medical help quickly.  

Covid 19 is spread by droplet on surfaces and in the air. This means that when an infected person coughs, sneeze or talks they may have the droplets that contain the virus. These droplets are way too large to stay too long in the air so they quickly settle on people's faces that are nearby or are really close. Many people in countries are wearing masks to protect others and themselves. 

Coronavirus broke out in December 2019 in Wuhan, China in the outdoor food markets, not all cases were linked to the market.      

In Italy it started on 31 january 2020 and it has affected over 255 thousand people. It has killed over 35 thousand people.

 The UK, America and USA have a huge population. Covid 19 has hit them hard with a lot of deaths because they didn’t go into lockdown soon enough and they didn’t take it very seriously. 

If you come back from another country into New Zealand  you have to stay in isolation at the hotel for 14 day total and you can't be in contact with anyone. All you do is eat, sleep and watch something on tv or do anything you want to keep yourself occupied. 

 You're probably wondering how long you would have Covid 19 for. Well if you're a person with mild disease then it would only last 2 weeks and if you're a person with critical disease then you may recover in three to six weeks. Some people may require to spend time in hospital. In very serious cases people may need to be put on ventilators to help them breathe.

Covid 19 can be spread person by person especially after contact with other people like at health centres or hospitals also rest homes and workplaces. If you are feeling unwell, cough, sore throat or headache then it is a sign that you might have the virus. Get it checked out and stay home. 

In India, Covid 19 has affected about 2.84 million people, it has killed around 53 thousand people. 

Australia Covid 19 has affected around 24 thousand people, it’s killed 463 people. 

Are you wondering if your pets get Covid 19. Well in some countries there have been pets that are infected with the virus. So it is true that your pet can get Covid 19 if someone you know or someone who likes your pet that might have the Covid 19. And if the person that is infected touches your pet then your pet could fall ill. 

 Due to the virus many countries have closed their border to stop tourists coming in and spreading the virus. Travelling costs have sky rocketed their prices. Without travelling worldwide to see family members it is very hard especially if they are elderly. 

For some overseas people that have business in other countries, they can’t travel to see how their business is going because as many borders are closed, but it’s helping reduce the spread of the virus. 

After 103 days of being Covid free New Zealand had another break out in a community based infection based in Auckland. Our Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern put Auckland in  Level 3 lockdown and the rest of the country at alert level 2 for 2 weeks, until 26th of August. Level three means that all children have to stay home and study from home, most businesses must close or work from home.

 All the bars and restaurants have shut down.,  In the South Island many bars and restaurants have  social distancing and require people to sanitise on your way in and out.

Anywhere you go you must sign in or use the Covid 19 tracer app on your phone. Point your phone at the code and it scans it for tracing. 

My advice to you is to keep your house clean and sanitise your hands. Wear a mask if you feel like it and remember to social distance if possible. If you are sick then STAY HOME!!!!